Find below links to our other websites, as well our partners websites.
This is the documentary and resource site we set up with Openvizor. The website has video testomonials, portraits, reports on the garments industry as well as the award winning short documentary 'Tears In the Fabric' available to watch in full.
Films For Food is an inititaive we set up in 2014. Films For Food events consist of film and documentary screenings. Attendees will be asked to bring along a bag of non-perishable food items to donate to their local food bank rather than buy a ticket. The website has information on upcoming screenings.
TRAID is a charity working to stop clothes from being thrown away. They turn clothes waste into funds and resources to reduce the environmental and social impacts of our clothing. It is a circular and sustainable approach to the problems of clothes waste tackling disposal, production and consumption.
We have worked with TRAID on mnay occasions. They have used our work in schools, they also partered with us on 'Tears In The Fabric' and we have shot videos for them in the UK as well as Bangladesh.
War on Want fights poverty in developing countries in partnership with people affected by globalisation. They campaign for human rights and against the root causes of global poverty, inequality and injustice.
We have been working with War On Want for many years. Only a couple of years after our companies inception we started to build a friendship with them, which has continued to this day. We have made many campaign videos for them over the years which raise awarness on the plight of garment workers. They, like Traid, also supported us in making 'Tears In The Fabric'.
Labour Behind the Label supports garment workers' efforts worldwide to improve their working conditions, through awareness raising, information provision and encouraging international solidarity between workers and consumers.
We worked together when releasing 'The Machinists' and 'Tears In The Fabric'. We also made the PAY UP campaign video with them and ILRF.
ILRF works with trade unions, faith-based organizations, and community groups to support workers and their families. They lead on initiatives such as making apparel factories safe in Bangladesh; stopping the exploitation of children in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan, increasing the income of farm workers in the cocoa fields of West Africa, developing labor law clinics in China, and supporting threatened union leaders in Latin America’s banana trade.
We have worked with the ILRF for many years creating many of their campaign videos. We have also made a video for them highlighting the importance of Fire and Building safety in Bangladeshi garments factories.
Pakistan Calling is a platform for films showing links between civil and cultural organisations and communities in Pakistan and the UK. These films explore some of the many pressing social problems faced by Pakistan and shine a light on, and support, some of the inspiring stories of people and organisations tackling these issues. Pakistan Calling builds on a project run by the RSA and The Samosa in 2011. The project aims to build community trust in UK, and to support the creativity and energy of the British Pakistani diaspora and others working between Britain and Pakistan. Read more about Pakistan Calling.